prvipomenradioamaterauuzicuRadio amateurs in Užice are first mentioned in announcement of Federal Board for amateur radio on June 3rd 1947. which announced resolution to grant activities of initial boards to form radio amateur societies in Belgrade, Titovo Užice and Pančevo.

According to “Radio amater”magazine issue 6/7 from 1947. the first amateur radio society was established on July 2nd, 1947.

Right after that, radio amateur society “Aco Vučković” was established in Titovo Užice. Exact date is not specified.

The third amateur radio society “Mihajlo Pupin” was established in Panćevo on September 28th 1947. and fourth was amateur radio society “Aleksandar Popov” in Zrenjanin, established on October 26th, 1947.

Према часопису “Радио-аматер” број 6/7 из 1947. године, прво друштво радио-аматера “Никола Тесла” у Београду је основано 2. јула 1947.

Those were the first amateur radio societies established in Yugoslavia after The  World War II.